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المنتـظرين الفايـل نمبـر - كيبـــك 2010-2011

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أكثر المشاركين في هذا الموضوع

أكثر المشاركين في هذا الموضوع

الصور المنشورة

Hahaha me too I think we still in the transparent phase :)

طيب حلو اوي...تعالي نطالب بحقوقنا بطريقة سلمية...

لو سمحتم ضيفوني للستة والا هارن علي ال85 مليون وننزل التحرير وانتوا عارفين الباقي

تم الارسال بتاريخ 26\2\2011 وربنا يستر ان شاء الله

Ici l'automne chasse un été de plus

La 4L est morte on a repeint la rue

Elise a deux dents, petit Jean est grand et fort

J'apprends la guitare, j'en suis à trois accords

J'ai trouvé des girolles au marché ce matin

J'aimerais vivre à Rome oh j'aimerais bien

J'ai planté des tulipes elles tardent à éclore

C'est tout je crois, ah oui, je t'aime encore

Mais où es-tu?

Aussi loin sans même une adresse

Et que deviens-tu?

L'espoir est ma seule caresse

رابط هذا التعليق

Hahaha me too I think we still in the transparent phase :)

طيب حلو اوي...تعالي نطالب بحقوقنا بطريقة سلمية...

لو سمحتم ضيفوني للستة والا هارن علي ال85 مليون وننزل التحرير وانتوا عارفين الباقي

تم الارسال بتاريخ 26\2\2011 وربنا يستر ان شاء الله

يا جماعة ارجوكم ضيفوهم انا عايز حد اسمه يبقى تحت اسمي لحسن اقع من الليستة

رابط هذا التعليق

ههههههههههههه ده علي اساس ان اللستة مفتوحة من تحت. علي العموم انا هاخد معاية شمسية زي القذافي عشان لو وقعت من اللستة استخدمها كباراشوت :)

تم تعديل بواسطة traveler

Ici l'automne chasse un été de plus

La 4L est morte on a repeint la rue

Elise a deux dents, petit Jean est grand et fort

J'apprends la guitare, j'en suis à trois accords

J'ai trouvé des girolles au marché ce matin

J'aimerais vivre à Rome oh j'aimerais bien

J'ai planté des tulipes elles tardent à éclore

C'est tout je crois, ah oui, je t'aime encore

Mais où es-tu?

Aussi loin sans même une adresse

Et que deviens-tu?

L'espoir est ma seule caresse

رابط هذا التعليق

I don't think I can help you Michael, I applied in 17/1/2010 but traveler can.

BTW I'm applying from Lebanon and I asked my friends they applied 3 months ago and still didn't received the file number, also I have a friend applied from London and still no reply yet, I'm very sure that they are busy with overloads applications but they are professional peoples and that make me relief

رابط هذا التعليق


تحياتي يا








تحياتي امير...يارب تكون بخير

Ici l'automne chasse un été de plus

La 4L est morte on a repeint la rue

Elise a deux dents, petit Jean est grand et fort

J'apprends la guitare, j'en suis à trois accords

J'ai trouvé des girolles au marché ce matin

J'aimerais vivre à Rome oh j'aimerais bien

J'ai planté des tulipes elles tardent à éclore

C'est tout je crois, ah oui, je t'aime encore

Mais où es-tu?

Aussi loin sans même une adresse

Et que deviens-tu?

L'espoir est ma seule caresse

رابط هذا التعليق

اتفضلوا حبة فرنساوي على ما اثم وادعولى


نـحن البلـــــدان الحقيقـيــة فى هــذا العـــالم . . . وليـــــس مــا يرســــم فـــوق الخرائــط

نـحن الرمـــوز الحقيقيــــة فى هــــذا العــالم . . . وليــــــس اسمـــــاء القـــــادة العظمــاء . . . لاننـا نحـن من صنعـناهـم

فرسـان العالـم الحقيقيـون . . هــم شعــوب الارض

رابط هذا التعليق

ياجماعة هو لو حد سافر يدرس في كندا بعد ماقدم علي هجرة ..هل هيحتاج يغير حاجة في الابليكاشن؟؟؟ههيحتاج يبلغهم؟؟ في اي تطور هيحصل في الموضوع؟

Ici l'automne chasse un été de plus

La 4L est morte on a repeint la rue

Elise a deux dents, petit Jean est grand et fort

J'apprends la guitare, j'en suis à trois accords

J'ai trouvé des girolles au marché ce matin

J'aimerais vivre à Rome oh j'aimerais bien

J'ai planté des tulipes elles tardent à éclore

C'est tout je crois, ah oui, je t'aime encore

Mais où es-tu?

Aussi loin sans même une adresse

Et que deviens-tu?

L'espoir est ma seule caresse

رابط هذا التعليق

ياجماعة هو لو حد سافر يدرس في كندا بعد ماقدم علي هجرة ..هل هيحتاج يغير حاجة في الابليكاشن؟؟؟ههيحتاج يبلغهم؟؟ في اي تطور هيحصل في الموضوع؟

I'm thinking of MBA in Montreal but i didn't mention any think in the application as it's a plan but i think maybe we should in the interview

right now i'm studying CMA if any one wants any help just tell

رابط هذا التعليق

ياجماعة هو لو حد سافر يدرس في كندا بعد ماقدم علي هجرة ..هل هيحتاج يغير حاجة في الابليكاشن؟؟؟ههيحتاج يبلغهم؟؟ في اي تطور هيحصل في الموضوع؟

I'm thinking of MBA in Montreal but i didn't mention any think in the application as it's a plan but i think maybe we should in the interview

right now i'm studying CMA if any one wants any help just tell

شكرا جزيلا علي ردك...انا عايز اعمل دراسات عليا في علوم الكمبيوتر...بدور علي منحة في كندا اهو منها اتعلم واشتغل وانا بدرس ومنها اخد خبرة كندية وابينلهم اني مهتم بكندا في الانترفيو عشان تساعدني اخد الفيزا...يعني انا كده كده عايز اكمل دراسة بس هي مسألة وقت

Ici l'automne chasse un été de plus

La 4L est morte on a repeint la rue

Elise a deux dents, petit Jean est grand et fort

J'apprends la guitare, j'en suis à trois accords

J'ai trouvé des girolles au marché ce matin

J'aimerais vivre à Rome oh j'aimerais bien

J'ai planté des tulipes elles tardent à éclore

C'est tout je crois, ah oui, je t'aime encore

Mais où es-tu?

Aussi loin sans même une adresse

Et que deviens-tu?

L'espoir est ma seule caresse

رابط هذا التعليق

ياجماعة هو لو حد سافر يدرس في كندا بعد ماقدم علي هجرة ..هل هيحتاج يغير حاجة في الابليكاشن؟؟؟ههيحتاج يبلغهم؟؟ في اي تطور هيحصل في الموضوع؟

I'm thinking of MBA in Montreal but i didn't mention any think in the application as it's a plan but i think maybe we should in the interview

right now i'm studying CMA if any one wants any help just tell

Oooooh Asha,

You are always great.

I’ve a question to you, I’m an Engineer, is it ok to study MBA direct their or it will be after the certificate equivalency?

I don’t know if it is the same between me and you as an accountant and as an engineer.

But, for example for your side, you will start direct the MBA or you have to make something before it, or the CMA which you are studying right now is the 1st step?!?!



لا تُفَكِر فِي الأمر كَثيِراً ,,, بلْ دَعِ الأمر لِمَن بِيَدِه الأمر.

رابط هذا التعليق

ياجماعة هو لو حد سافر يدرس في كندا بعد ماقدم علي هجرة ..هل هيحتاج يغير حاجة في الابليكاشن؟؟؟ههيحتاج يبلغهم؟؟ في اي تطور هيحصل في الموضوع؟

I'm thinking of MBA in Montreal but i didn't mention any think in the application as it's a plan but i think maybe we should in the interview

right now i'm studying CMA if any one wants any help just tell

Oooooh Asha,

You are always great.

I've a question to you, I'm an Engineer, is it ok to study MBA direct their or it will be after the certificate equivalency?

I don't know if it is the same between me and you as an accountant and as an engineer.

But, for example for your side, you will start direct the MBA or you have to make something before it, or the CMA which you are studying right now is the 1st step?!?!



Dear Mr. Amir, well regarding the MBA I think "and I'm not sure" that it doesn't need to be equivalent in order to study the MBA they just need bachelor degree or higher, proof of English proficient as TOEFL or IELTS, maybe GMAT and couple of experience years and in some cases they even don't need the bachelor degree if you have a significant experience . BTW when getting the CSQ the educational fees will drop dramatically from 30k to 6k as an average

so it depends on each university but in the other hand if you want to work in the engineering feel it should be equivalent

I'm still in part I/2 of the CMA but I collected all the materials and did most of the researches, it's quiet easy till now hope of the best

Mr. Traveler it's almost my plan, getting experience while studying

رابط هذا التعليق

ياجماعة هو لو حد سافر يدرس في كندا بعد ماقدم علي هجرة ..هل هيحتاج يغير حاجة في الابليكاشن؟؟؟ههيحتاج يبلغهم؟؟ في اي تطور هيحصل في الموضوع؟

I'm thinking of MBA in Montreal but i didn't mention any think in the application as it's a plan but i think maybe we should in the interview

right now i'm studying CMA if any one wants any help just tell

Oooooh Asha,

You are always great.

I've a question to you, I'm an Engineer, is it ok to study MBA direct their or it will be after the certificate equivalency?

I don't know if it is the same between me and you as an accountant and as an engineer.

But, for example for your side, you will start direct the MBA or you have to make something before it, or the CMA which you are studying right now is the 1st step?!?!



Dear Mr. Amir, well regarding the MBA I think "and I'm not sure" that it doesn't need to be equivalent in order to study the MBA they just need bachelor degree or higher, proof of English proficient as TOEFL or IELTS, maybe GMAT and couple of experience years and in some cases they even don't need the bachelor degree if you have a significant experience . BTW when getting the CSQ the educational fees will drop dramatically from 30k to 6k as an average

so it depends on each university but in the other hand if you want to work in the engineering feel it should be equivalent

I'm still in part I/2 of the CMA but I collected all the materials and did most of the researches, it's quiet easy till now hope of the best

Mr. Traveler it's almost my plan, getting experience while studying

Please I'm interested too in having MBA, so please if any one has any contacts or Info regarding universities where we can study taking in consideration that I'm electrical engineer and my final score was fair(Makbool).

رابط هذا التعليق

ياجماعة هو لو حد سافر يدرس في كندا بعد ماقدم علي هجرة ..هل هيحتاج يغير حاجة في الابليكاشن؟؟؟ههيحتاج يبلغهم؟؟ في اي تطور هيحصل في الموضوع؟

I'm thinking of MBA in Montreal but i didn't mention any think in the application as it's a plan but i think maybe we should in the interview

right now i'm studying CMA if any one wants any help just tell

Oooooh Asha,

You are always great.

I've a question to you, I'm an Engineer, is it ok to study MBA direct their or it will be after the certificate equivalency?

I don't know if it is the same between me and you as an accountant and as an engineer.

But, for example for your side, you will start direct the MBA or you have to make something before it, or the CMA which you are studying right now is the 1st step?!?!



Dear Mr. Amir, well regarding the MBA I think "and I'm not sure" that it doesn't need to be equivalent in order to study the MBA they just need bachelor degree or higher, proof of English proficient as TOEFL or IELTS, maybe GMAT and couple of experience years and in some cases they even don't need the bachelor degree if you have a significant experience . BTW when getting the CSQ the educational fees will drop dramatically from 30k to 6k as an average

so it depends on each university but in the other hand if you want to work in the engineering feel it should be equivalent

I'm still in part I/2 of the CMA but I collected all the materials and did most of the researches, it's quiet easy till now hope of the best

Mr. Traveler it's almost my plan, getting experience while studying

Guys, thanks a lot for sharing these info

@Asha, do you mean that after I get the CSQ I can apply for Master degree in Quebec and travel there even before getting my Canadian visa?

I mean, would my file need some updates from my side? would they consider me like semi-resident?

تم تعديل بواسطة traveler

Ici l'automne chasse un été de plus

La 4L est morte on a repeint la rue

Elise a deux dents, petit Jean est grand et fort

J'apprends la guitare, j'en suis à trois accords

J'ai trouvé des girolles au marché ce matin

J'aimerais vivre à Rome oh j'aimerais bien

J'ai planté des tulipes elles tardent à éclore

C'est tout je crois, ah oui, je t'aime encore

Mais où es-tu?

Aussi loin sans même une adresse

Et que deviens-tu?

L'espoir est ma seule caresse

رابط هذا التعليق

ياجماعة هو لو حد سافر يدرس في كندا بعد ماقدم علي هجرة ..هل هيحتاج يغير حاجة في الابليكاشن؟؟؟ههيحتاج يبلغهم؟؟ في اي تطور هيحصل في الموضوع؟

I'm thinking of MBA in Montreal but i didn't mention any think in the application as it's a plan but i think maybe we should in the interview

right now i'm studying CMA if any one wants any help just tell

Oooooh Asha,

You are always great.

I've a question to you, I'm an Engineer, is it ok to study MBA direct their or it will be after the certificate equivalency?

I don't know if it is the same between me and you as an accountant and as an engineer.

But, for example for your side, you will start direct the MBA or you have to make something before it, or the CMA which you are studying right now is the 1st step?!?!



Dear Mr. Amir, well regarding the MBA I think "and I'm not sure" that it doesn't need to be equivalent in order to study the MBA they just need bachelor degree or higher, proof of English proficient as TOEFL or IELTS, maybe GMAT and couple of experience years and in some cases they even don't need the bachelor degree if you have a significant experience . BTW when getting the CSQ the educational fees will drop dramatically from 30k to 6k as an average

so it depends on each university but in the other hand if you want to work in the engineering feel it should be equivalent

I'm still in part I/2 of the CMA but I collected all the materials and did most of the researches, it's quiet easy till now hope of the best

Mr. Traveler it's almost my plan, getting experience while studying

Thanks Ashaa for your kind reply.

لا تُفَكِر فِي الأمر كَثيِراً ,,, بلْ دَعِ الأمر لِمَن بِيَدِه الأمر.

رابط هذا التعليق

Dear Stars, Amir, Traveler and any one who's interesting in studying in Quebec provenance check the pdf file in the attachment, most important information for me was in the Annexe as it was a list of all universities/colleges in Quebec, so check them as every institution has its own requirements


تم تعديل بواسطة ashaa
رابط هذا التعليق

Dear Stars, Amir, Traveler and any one who's interesting in studying in Quebec provenance check the pdf file in the attachment, most important information for me was in the Annexe as it was a list of all universities/colleges in Quebec, so check them as every institution has its own requirements

Thanks Ashaa,

I'll go in details soon.

By the way, how is your French?



لا تُفَكِر فِي الأمر كَثيِراً ,,, بلْ دَعِ الأمر لِمَن بِيَدِه الأمر.

رابط هذا التعليق

انشئ حساب جديد أو قم بتسجيل دخولك لتتمكن من إضافة تعليق جديد

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انشئ حساب جديد

سجل حسابك الجديد لدينا في الموقع بمنتهي السهوله .

سجل حساب جديد

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هل تمتلك حساب بالفعل؟ سجل دخولك من هنا.

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