اذهب إلى المحتوى
محاورات المصريين

الطب فى أستراليا

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Dr. Ihab you said:

when you apply directly to a hospital and you get the job they will provide the visa it is quite difficult to find a job that way though

so quite difficult means:

our chances is about how much roughly when we apply for:

1-resedent jobs?

2-accredited regesterar jobs?

3-non-accredited regesterar jobs?

as i said before i think the chances for this pathway don't exceed 20-30%

i think the chances for a registrar job if you have previous relevant experience are a bit higher than those for resident jobs

non accredited registrar jobs are only present in the highly competitive specialties especially surgery but they are not present in medicine for instance

thank you Dr. Ihab again

so dr ihab is this percentages are roughly true (20-30 %) after AMC 1 and 2 FOR APPLYING DIRECTLY TO HOSPITALS ?!!

رابط هذا التعليق

dear dr.Ihab

i am going to have ph,d degree in oral and maxillofacial surgery ,can i know about the specialty assessment procedure by the way i am a dentist

thanks for your help in advance

that is really one of the most difficult specialties to get into in here

it is not impossible though

they do require a dental experience and then general surgical experience

here they have post graduate medicine degrees

that mean that you join the dentistery school and finish it and then join medical school and finish it

so usually those who want to join max fax here are dentisits as you are but then they join med school and graduate as doctors and then join the surgical training

this is a broad idea but i am not sure of the specific requirments to be a maxillo facial surgeon here but it is long and difficult pathway,

even if i am going to have a doctor in medical science from japan en shallah


Iam sorry , i don't know exactly the answer to that question

I would advise you to email the royal australasian college of surgeons with that question and they will be able to provide you with accurate information

رابط هذا التعليق

اعجز ان اجد الكلمات التى اعبر بها عن شكري الجزيل لحضرتك يادكتور ايهاب للاهتمام بالرد والرد علي كل جذئية بكل امانة

بصراحة انا مندهشة من كرم حضرتك واهتمامك بالرد علي كل اسالة الاخوة في المنتدى

لان هذا اصبح غير واضح هنا بين المصريين وبعضهم البعض ربما لانشغال كل واحد باللهث لتحقيق اقل الاحلام الفردية لكل شخص وصعوبة الحياة هنا في مصر

وربما الحياة الهادءة والاحساس بالامان ولو لبعض الشئ عندكم في استراليا وهذاماسمعتة من الكثيرين عنكم في استراليا قد اعاد هذة النخوة وكرم الاخلاق لبعض واقول لبعض المصريين والذى اجد حضرتك منهم

وعلي فكرة امتحان الجذء الاول من amcلم يعد هنا في مصر من سنة 2009

شكرا ووفققك اللةو ازاد لك النجاح


thanks alot for the nice words Dr. nardeen

I agree with you that life stresses in egypt are too much now for any one to think but of himself

even the sense of appreciation that you showed is very rare now

rabena yokon fe 3on elnas fe masr w yesabarhom 3ally homma feeh

Life here is competetive but not so stressful especially after you secure your first job, this is te crucial step here after which you will start enjoying life here

all the best Dr. nardeen w rabena yewafa2ek insha2allah

رابط هذا التعليق

أنا مع فتح مناقشة موضوع الهجرة بشكل مفصل هنا في التوبيك ده

عشان كل الموجودين هنا أطباء ولهم هدف ووضع مختلف عن باقي المهتمين

بمناقشة الهجرة إلى استراليا

أضم صوتي إلى دكتور jukass في اقتراحه

ولكني طبعا أرفض فكرة اللجوء السياسي بشكل قاطع

I agree with that as well because immigration is as important as AMC in you way to australia

I have to say that i wouldn't add much to that though because my personal experience is limited to the visa i got which is a 457 visa that was arranged by the hospital when i got accepted to the job

So any one with some experience about that issue should start sharing their experience

as i said before you can try one of these ideas

if you have been working as a drug rep for a period of time you should be able to immigrate with that

if you had science degree before medicine you should be able to immigrate with that

if your wife is a scientist or accountant etc.. you should be able to immigrate with that

these are the ways i know and i urge anyone who knows other ways to please list them here


رابط هذا التعليق

Dr. Ihab you said:

when you apply directly to a hospital and you get the job they will provide the visa it is quite difficult to find a job that way though

so quite difficult means:

our chances is about how much roughly when we apply for:

1-resedent jobs?

2-accredited regesterar jobs?

3-non-accredited regesterar jobs?

as i said before i think the chances for this pathway don't exceed 20-30%

i think the chances for a registrar job if you have previous relevant experience are a bit higher than those for resident jobs

non accredited registrar jobs are only present in the highly competitive specialties especially surgery but they are not present in medicine for instance

thank you Dr. Ihab again

so dr ihab is this percentages are roughly true (20-30 %) after AMC 1 and 2 FOR APPLYING DIRECTLY TO HOSPITALS ?!!

The questions are starting to reflect that every one has an adequate understanding of the flow of the system here which is really great

I think - and that is a rough estimation obviously- that your chances will be around the 40% mark roughly if you apply directly to hospitals after both parts of the AMC

again these percentages are all personal impression and not really based on any data that i have so please consider it as a rough guide only

رابط هذا التعليق

Thank you again Dr.Ihab

بارك الله فيك ووفقك لكل ما تحب وترضى وجعلك ذخرا للامة الاسلامية

امين امين امين

I'm NOW satisfied from the IMET and rhar stuff

The new thing that we need you to tell us about is

The Immigration and its Rule !!!

حدثنا عن الهجرة لاستراليا وتقديم اوراق الهجرة او اذا عندك معلومات عن اللجوء السياسي ؟؟

as its gonna help us in the working and finding jop !!

if its like that , ill start it from now to apply for immigration

THIS is the NEW Spot on Talking

we need somthung new and this is important to all of us

So talk to us about it if you dont minedu

and if there is any qustion about IMET or working in Australia >>>don't bother your self as im gonna to answer it

as im now know alots of things

SO , Let the Party Begines :lol:

:sad: in addition to that there is a specific topic about the immigration to australia

يا صديقي العزيز

مو اني حطيت صيغة الحمع انه انته داخل

اذا بدك تسال اتفضل

بس الدكتور ايهاب صار له اسبوع وهو بس يجاوب على الاسئلة وانا لسه عندي اسالة

بس ليه ما نفتح المجال لموضوع تاني

وبالنسبة لصيغة الجمع فانا حطيتها نيابة عني وعن صديقي مجدي ,,, ارتحت هيك

وين هالتوبيك يا عم المحتج عليا

الى الاخ جاكاس

على الرغم اني لا اعرفك معرفة شخصية الا اني احب واحترم الفلسطينين والعراقيين اكثر من غيرهم من الدول العربية والاسلامية

وان شاء الله سياتي اليوم الدي نفتح فيه توبيك بعنوان الهجرة والعمل في فلسطين بعد ان تعود تلك الارض الحبيبة الى اهلها

اما بخصوص الهجرة الى استراليا اللينك اهواستراليا

ووفقك الله لما يحبه ويرضاه

رابط هذا التعليق

شكرا لمشاعرك احي ستيودنت ,,

انا غيرك من ناحية اني انا بعرفك اكثر ما بتعرفني

انا بعرف انك اخلاق ومحتم ومقدر للناس ولاوضاعهم

فشكرا لك وشكرا لاخلاقك وروحك الطيبة

بالنسبة للينك والتوبيك

شكرا لك على اللينك

لكن للاسف مو للاطباء زي ما انته شايف

وهم بيحكو على هجرة المهارات للمحاسبين

واغلبهم مقدمين على كندا

وانا وضعي اني ما بقدر اقدم على كندا ,,, عارف ليش ,,,,, لاني فلسطيني من غير جواز

شكرا لك

واذا تعرف احد بيعرف شي عن اللجوء السياسي باستراليا كلمني اكون شاكر لك

Life has Diffculties



رابط هذا التعليق

طيب سؤال يا د/ايهاب بيدور في نفس محور الفرخه و البيضه ..

دلوقتي حضرتك بتقول ان الفرص بعد الجزء الأول و اللغه 30% تقريبا .. و نصحتنا نكمل الجزئين لأن كده ممكن نضمن وظيفه بنسبة 100% .. لكن في نفس الوقت قلت ان النسبه دي فقط عن طريق الـ IMET مش عن طريق المستشفيات مباشرة ( النسبه في الحاله دي تقل لأـ 40 % تقريبا ) ..

طبعا الـ IMET عايزه فيزا .. يبقى السكه دي شبه مقفوله .. لأن الهجره عايزه GR و دي ما بتجيش الا بعد سنة Intern اللي هي اساسا محتاجه PR .. و المستشفيات اللي ممكن توفرلك الفيزا فرصنا فيها بعد الجزئين لو قدمتنا مباشرة 40% .. يعني نسبه معقوله بس مش كبيره اوي ..

اكيد حضرتك فيه حل تالت .. لأن حضرتك نصحتنا نكمل الجزئين الأول .. يبقى اكيد فيه ميزه انت شايفها هنا بعيدا عن الـ IMET اللي محتاجه فيزا ( نظريا صعبه ) .. و بعيدا عن المستشفيات الي الفرص فيها اقل لما نقدملها مباشرة ..

الحل ده اما انه طريق تالت مثلا .. او طريقه معينه للفيزا .. اي حل ..

سؤال كمان بعد إذنك .. انت لما بتقول ان بعد الجزء الأول و اللغه الفرصه 30% للوظيفه .. و بتقول ان بعد الجزئين الفرصه برضو 40 % .. مش شايف حضرتك انها فرق بسيط ما يستحقش عناء ان الواحد ياخد التاني الا لو لقى وظيفه فعليا في AON ??

رابط هذا التعليق

Dr. Ihab you said:

when you apply directly to a hospital and you get the job they will provide the visa it is quite difficult to find a job that way though

so quite difficult means:

our chances is about how much roughly when we apply for:

1-resedent jobs?

2-accredited regesterar jobs?

3-non-accredited regesterar jobs?

as i said before i think the chances for this pathway don't exceed 20-30%

i think the chances for a registrar job if you have previous relevant experience are a bit higher than those for resident jobs

non accredited registrar jobs are only present in the highly competitive specialties especially surgery but they are not present in medicine for instance

thank you Dr. Ihab again

so dr ihab is this percentages are roughly true (20-30 %) after AMC 1 and 2 FOR APPLYING DIRECTLY TO HOSPITALS ?!!

The questions are starting to reflect that every one has an adequate understanding of the flow of the system here which is really great

I think - and that is a rough estimation obviously- that your chances will be around the 40% mark roughly if you apply directly to hospitals after both parts of the AMC

again these percentages are all personal impression and not really based on any data that i have so please consider it as a rough guide only

thx dr.Ihab,i try to use private message but i think that is not available,i need ur GSM no. pls,

عبدى..تشاء واشاء..ولا يقع فى ملكى الا ما أشاء

فاذا رضيت بما اشاء..أعطيتك ما تشاء

رابط هذا التعليق

طيب سؤال يا د/ايهاب بيدور في نفس محور الفرخه و البيضه ..

دلوقتي حضرتك بتقول ان الفرص بعد الجزء الأول و اللغه 30% تقريبا .. و نصحتنا نكمل الجزئين لأن كده ممكن نضمن وظيفه بنسبة 100% .. لكن في نفس الوقت قلت ان النسبه دي فقط عن طريق الـ IMET مش عن طريق المستشفيات مباشرة ( النسبه في الحاله دي تقل لأـ 40 % تقريبا ) ..

طبعا الـ IMET عايزه فيزا .. يبقى السكه دي شبه مقفوله .. لأن الهجره عايزه GR و دي ما بتجيش الا بعد سنة Intern اللي هي اساسا محتاجه PR .. و المستشفيات اللي ممكن توفرلك الفيزا فرصنا فيها بعد الجزئين لو قدمتنا مباشرة 40% .. يعني نسبه معقوله بس مش كبيره اوي ..

اكيد حضرتك فيه حل تالت .. لأن حضرتك نصحتنا نكمل الجزئين الأول .. يبقى اكيد فيه ميزه انت شايفها هنا بعيدا عن الـ IMET اللي محتاجه فيزا ( نظريا صعبه ) .. و بعيدا عن المستشفيات الي الفرص فيها اقل لما نقدملها مباشرة ..

الحل ده اما انه طريق تالت مثلا .. او طريقه معينه للفيزا .. اي حل ..

سؤال كمان بعد إذنك .. انت لما بتقول ان بعد الجزء الأول و اللغه الفرصه 30% للوظيفه .. و بتقول ان بعد الجزئين الفرصه برضو 40 % .. مش شايف حضرتك انها فرق بسيط ما يستحقش عناء ان الواحد ياخد التاني الا لو لقى وظيفه فعليا في AON ??


color="#FF0000"]I think your questions now hit the nail on the head and this is really the main theme of doctors immigrating to australia

for everything in life there is one big front door and many small back doors

same for doctor immigration to australia

the big front door is doing both parts of the AMC at the same time of arranging PR somehow

the small back doors require first that you do english and firt part (it is very important to know that one year ago you didn't need to do the first part)

and then apply to a recruitment agency or to an AON job or to the hospitals directly

Another point that may be i didn't clarify enough is that the IMET is only in NSW however in other states they have intern and resident recruitment campaigns that has pretty much the same requirments as the IMET

Now what your choice will be is really up to you, i am only giving advice based on my experience here

taking into consideration that one year ago you didn't have to do the first part to work, so may be one year ahead you will have to do the second as well , may be ...

the main problem in my opinion is

from what i have seen with many friends, especially when you come from egypt with no overseas work experience the emplyers here prefer the candidates with western experience because honestly they are better doctors than us

what that means is that you theoritically have a 30 or a 40 percent chance but if you have a candidate from the UK or Canada though you chances are 50% it is highly unlikely you will get the job

i don't wanna put you off with that however

if you go through the difficulty and financial burden of taking the first and the english and all in between you should prepare yourself for the whole way so that if you apply for jobs and don't get it you know what you will do

so basically my advice would be

start by doing english and the first while you are looking for a way to apply for PR

apply for jobs from overseas after the first while you wait for a spot in the second

If you get a job then GREAT everything after wards should be easy insha2allah

If you don't get a job you either become frustrated and despressed and tseb w tel3an fe el AMC w Autralia OR you continue the pathway and try and do the second and if you don't have a way for PR you try and come here on a student visa and get a clinical observer or something and try and squeeze into the system

as i said before

no easy answers

but life is not easy

all the best

رابط هذا التعليق

انا رايي احسن طريق لحد دلوقت كالاتى

1- تاخد الجزئين مع بعض النظرى والعملى

2- تاخد خبره فى تخصص معين 3 او 4 سنين

3- تاخد كورسات مهمه زى BLS -ACLS -ATLS -PALS

4-كام خطاب توصيه من كام استشارى يكون معاه بورد ولا حاجه اجنبى

5- تقدم لوكالات الى بتجيب شغل عن طريق النت او تتصل بيهم هاتفيا وده افضل وتتابع معاهم لحد اما يلاقولك شغل ولو حتى فى AON

6- لو منفعش فيزا طالب وتروح استراليا تدور بنفسك واكيد ان شاء الله لو معاك CV محترم مش هيقدروا يتجاهلوك كتير

7 - لو منفعش خالص بقي تشتغل فى اى بنزينه هناك تلم الفلوس الى صرفتها وترجع مصر تاكل بطيخ ( وممكن معاه جبنه بيبقي حلو اوى )


رابط هذا التعليق

Thank you Again Dr.Ihab for thos words and Specially for :

so basically my advice would be

start by doing english and the first while you are looking for a way to apply for PR

apply for jobs from overseas after the first while you wait for a spot in the second

If you get a job then GREAT everything after wards should be easy insha2allah

If you don't get a job you either become frustrated and despressed and tseb w tel3an fe el AMC w Autralia OR you continue the pathway and try and do the second and if you don't have a way for PR you try and come here on a student visa and get a clinical observer or something and try and squeeze into the system


so keep it in Mind or 7al2a bewdanko

there is supposing to talk about Immigration and Refugee

ill take the spot Docrot Ihab and sharing you with My experiances in Humaniriation ad Refugee Citizinship

and ill give it to you Specially

to relive some of wight of your shoulders

Just Preparing to it

Thank you Again

دعواتكم لانه علي امتحان بكره

Life has Diffculties



رابط هذا التعليق

hello Dr.Ihab... I want to ask you a question regarding working as a registrar in australia.. can you be promoted to a consultant job without being involved in a training program?

and can you appear in any exams while you are a service registrar?

I am not sure what you mean by a service registrar , there is no such thing in here

to be a consultant you have to be a registrar for a nuber of years and then take the particular royal college exams you are interested in and finish the training requirments

thanx DR.Ihab

I mean by service registrar is non-accredited registrar, so if I get a job of non-accredited registrar can I set for any exame ? and whate would be my fate if I am not accepted in a training program?

رابط هذا التعليق

hello Dr.Ihab... I want to ask you a question regarding working as a registrar in australia.. can you be promoted to a consultant job without being involved in a training program?

and can you appear in any exams while you are a service registrar?

I am not sure what you mean by a service registrar , there is no such thing in here

to be a consultant you have to be a registrar for a nuber of years and then take the particular royal college exams you are interested in and finish the training requirments

thanx DR.Ihab

I mean by service registrar is non-accredited registrar, so if I get a job of non-accredited registrar can I set for any exame ? and whate would be my fate if I am not accepted in a training program?

No, you can't set for the fellowship exams if you are a non accredited registrar because your work is not counting towards the training requirments

if you are not accepted to a training program you either keep trying or change the specialty

رابط هذا التعليق

السلام عليكم ,,, في الأول احب ان اشكر كل من شارك في هذا الموضوع بمعلومة أو بسؤال وشكر كتير جدا جدا لدكتور زياد و دكتور ايهاب على العمل الرائع هذا .

ممكن عندي سؤال لك دكتور ايهاب...

لو أنا عاوز اعمل Training program(registrar years) in Cardiology

هل ممكن ادخل على التخصص على طول , ولا مطالب انه لازم اخذ inter. medicine first then cardio. as subspeciality ?

ولو الاجابة نعم , هل القلب تخصص من التخصصات التنافسية ؟

ولو لا , كم حتكون فترة التدريب ؟

اشكرك يا دكتور على طولت بالك

وربنا يوفقك ,,,

رابط هذا التعليق

السلام عليكم ,,, في الأول احب ان اشكر كل من شارك في هذا الموضوع بمعلومة أو بسؤال وشكر كتير جدا جدا لدكتور زياد و دكتور ايهاب على العمل الرائع هذا .

ممكن عندي سؤال لك دكتور ايهاب...

لو أنا عاوز اعمل Training program(registrar years) in Cardiology

هل ممكن ادخل على التخصص على طول , ولا مطالب انه لازم اخذ inter. medicine first then cardio. as subspeciality ?

ولو الاجابة نعم , هل القلب تخصص من التخصصات التنافسية ؟

ولو لا , كم حتكون فترة التدريب ؟

اشكرك يا دكتور على طولت بالك

وربنا يوفقك ,,,

I can tell you everything about that because that is what i am doing now

cardiology is the most competitive branch in medicine and some people argue it is as competitive as surgery

it is not impossible to get into it though but it is obviously more difficult than other medical specialties

to have a career in medicine you must join the physician training program at the end of which you obtain the fellowship of royal australasian college of physicians FRACP and become a consultant in a medical specialty

the program has 2 parts

basic physician training

advanced physician training

they are separated by the fellowship exams

to join the program you must find a job as a medical registrar

you usually work for 2 years as a medical registrar (basic physician trainee) where you do rotations among medical specialties then you take the exams of the RACP and if you pass it you become a medical registrar (advanced physician trainee) for another 3 years where you are only working in one specialty then you become a consultant in the specialty

the most tricky point for cardiology is that after passing the exams you have to apply for an advanced physician trainee post for cardiology which is pretty competitive

i hope that answers your question

رابط هذا التعليق

السلام عليكم ,,, في الأول احب ان اشكر كل من شارك في هذا الموضوع بمعلومة أو بسؤال وشكر كتير جدا جدا لدكتور زياد و دكتور ايهاب على العمل الرائع هذا .

ممكن عندي سؤال لك دكتور ايهاب...

لو أنا عاوز اعمل Training program(registrar years) in Cardiology

هل ممكن ادخل على التخصص على طول , ولا مطالب انه لازم اخذ inter. medicine first then cardio. as subspeciality ?

ولو الاجابة نعم , هل القلب تخصص من التخصصات التنافسية ؟

ولو لا , كم حتكون فترة التدريب ؟

اشكرك يا دكتور على طولت بالك

وربنا يوفقك ,,,

I can tell you everything about that because that is what i am doing now

cardiology is the most competitive branch in medicine and some people argue it is as competitive as surgery

it is not impossible to get into it though but it is obviously more difficult than other medical specialties

to have a career in medicine you must join the physician training program at the end of which you obtain the fellowship of royal australasian college of physicians FRACP and become a consultant in a medical specialty

the program has 2 parts

basic physician training

advanced physician training

they are separated by the fellowship exams

to join the program you must find a job as a medical registrar

you usually work for 2 years as a medical registrar (basic physician trainee) where you do rotations among medical specialties then you take the exams of the RACP and if you pass it you become a medical registrar (advanced physician trainee) for another 3 years where you are only working in one specialty then you become a consultant in the specialty

the most tricky point for cardiology is that after passing the exams you have to apply for an advanced physician trainee post for cardiology which is pretty competitive

i hope that answers your question


its realy HELPFULL

thank you again

i want to ask a silly Question


about the salaries ????

in the genral practis and in the advanced one ??

i.e. for medical registrar befor and after the exams

and there is nessery of course to finsh the INTERN year befor applying to as Medical registrar

i know that

thank you doc


Life has Diffculties



رابط هذا التعليق

انشئ حساب جديد أو قم بتسجيل دخولك لتتمكن من إضافة تعليق جديد

يجب ان تكون عضوا لدينا لتتمكن من التعليق

انشئ حساب جديد

سجل حسابك الجديد لدينا في الموقع بمنتهي السهوله .

سجل حساب جديد

تسجيل دخول

هل تمتلك حساب بالفعل؟ سجل دخولك من هنا.

سجل دخولك الان
  • المتواجدون الآن   0 أعضاء متواجدين الان

    • لا يوجد أعضاء مسجلون يتصفحون هذه الصفحة

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