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ملـــ ـ [ القواعد العسكرية الاجنبية في ديار المسلمين ]ـ ــــــف


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مقرها القاعدة الجوية الامريكية MacDill Air Force Base في ميامي/ فلوريدا سابقا وانتقلت في شهرنوفمبر 11 ـ 2001 الى قاعدة العدّيد بالقرب من الدوحة في جزيرة قطر .


القواعد العسكرية الامريكية الجوية والبرية في العراق اليوم.


الحمد لله وحده والصلاة والسلام على خير خلقه وخاتم انبياءه وبعد :

سالنا بعض اصحابنا قبل فترة قصيرة بعد ان اعلنت امريكا عن الانتهاء من بناء رادار عسكري بالقرب من الحدود السورية في مثلث "أنطاكيا الاسكندرون سامان داغ" في موقع كيسه شيك و على ارتفاع ألف وسبعمئة متر لمتابعة مراقبة التحركات والأنشطة الجارية في سورية وإيران وفي منطقة الشرق الأوسط، في القاعدة الخاصة بالرادارات والتي يتم تشغيلها بالأقمار الاصطناعية وتصدر تعليمات تشغيلها وعملياتها الخاصة بالتجسس والتنصت من قاعدة انجيرليك جنوب تركيا.

قال : هل تخلو سورية فعلا من قاعدة عسكرية اجنبية حتى تحتاج امريكا لهذه القاعدة لتتجسس عليها؟؟؟؟

بحثنا في دفاترنا العتيقة وقلبنا الصفحات القديمة فوجدنا ان القاعدة العسكرية الاجنبية و ( الوحيدة للسوفييت في البحر المتوسط ايضا ) فيها منذ رحيل الفرنسيين هي جزء عسكري خاص في ميناء طرطوس تم الاتفاق مع الاتحاد السوفيتي سابقا على استخدامه كقاعدة للغواصات النووية السوفيتية والسفن العسكرية واستخدامه وحتى اليوم بموجب هذه الاتفاقية نقطة تمركز واصلاح وتموين بموجب عقد طويل الامد مع الحكومة السورية منذ الخمسينات و لانعرف وجود قاعدة عسكرية غيرها في سورية ...

ووجدنا فيما بعد في الحقيقة ان هذا الموضوع يبدو مجهولا للكثير من المسلمين وهناك تعتيم حقيقي كبير مقصود في وسائل الاعلام الرسمية والخاصة عن الوضع العسكري الحقيقي للصليبيين و عن تمركز قواتهم في اراض المسلمين .. و لايطرح هذا الموضوع احد ولايقترب منه ايضا احد في وسائل الاعلام . لانه على ما يبدو خط حمر يمس بلا مواربة ( الوتر الحساس !!! ) (ويكشف سر خداعهم للمسلمين ويبرز خيانة الانظمة العميلة المختلفة التي تدير حاليا (دفة قيادة المسلمين بامرة الصليبيين) وخدمة لها وهي (القوى الغربية الفاعلة في الساحة الدولية ) من اوصلهم في الحقيقة لمواقع السلطة والحكم اصلا لينفذوا مخططاتها ورغباتها تلك في السيطرة على شتى بقاع الامة والحفاظ على شرذمتها وضعفها وهي افضل طريقة لنهب مقدراتها ومصادر ثروتها وتركها مطية الجهل والغدر والظلم المستفحل في ابناء و وتحسبا ورعبا وخوفا ومحاولة اخيرة لمنع المسلمين من" الحلم وتحقيقه " وشل قدرتهم على الوحدة من جديد واعلان الخلافة في الارض) ......

هذه بضعة اسطر نتركها مقدمة لموضوعنا هنا : وهو منا للمسلمين . لامنة ولا شكورا بل الامل الكبير ان يكون له نفع وفائدة ان شاء الله ..... والامل بالله كبير ان نجد اذانا صاغية وقلوبا واعية وان يتفضل الكرام من شباب هذه الامة المجيدة . "خير امة " للعمل والنشاط وبذل الممكن وفتح الافاق والاعين على الواقع الاليم لهذه الامة التي تنتهبها اليوم انياب الحملة الصليبية الثانية عشر وتمزقها ضحية تلو الاخرى فيما يعمل بقية العملاء والخونة على تخدير المسلمين ومنعهم من نجدة اخوانهم واغاثتهم و " لا معتصم اليوم لهم " . وانا لله وانا اليه راجعون .


تعالوا اخوتنا الكرام لنبحر معا في واقع هذه القواعد الحقيقي و نضع معا خارطة لها ولتمركزها في شتى بقاع الامة تبيانا لهذه الصورة المظلمة والتي يتهرب الخونة من الاعتراف بها وتوضيحا وتسهيلا على اخوتنا اصحاب المدافع لينهبوها بصواريخهم ويدمروا قصور العهر والخيانة من اساسها في كل مدينة ترفع في جنباتها كلمة الله اكبر ...

لنعمل سويا ونستفيد من امكانياتنا واوقاتنا ونصنع بقدراتنا البسيطة ونصب معارفنا في اناء واحد لتكون لبنة اساسية تفيد المهتمين والباحثين فضلا عن المجاهدين من ابناء هذه الامة في الاحتياط من خطورة هذه القواعد الرهيب على قيام الدولة الاسلامية (الخلافة ) قريبا باذن الله وقد ابلج الفجر و لاح وآن الوقت للانبعاث والنور ووضع حد ل آلالام الامة والعمل على تجسيد امالها وبداية لصناعة التاريخ من جديد ورفع راية الحق (الخلافة ) في العالم اجمع ...

نقدم في الحلقات القادمة ان شاء الله تعالى ...ما لدينا وما بحوزتنا امام الناس جميعا ونضع حدا لعهد الخيانة والتامر والغدر الرسمي وغير الرسمي للانظمة الاجرامية الخائنة الغادرة الساهرة على حماية الاستعمار الذي بات لايخشى الاعلان عن نفسه بعكس العقدين الاخيرين ! ونقوم فيها بما لدينا وما نملك من حقائق ومعلومات يهرب منها هؤلاء المجرمون من نواطير العالم الاسلامي اجمع الذين افحشوا في الامة نهبا وتقتيلا وتبذيرا لثرواتها البشرية والفكرية والمادية ....

وهم اي (هؤلاء الرغاليون ) يجهدون انفسهم وحتى الساعة بما لديهم من :


و بقايا عسس منحوسين وصلوا عهدا باتت فيه (حركة المستضعفين في الارض ) مثلا قادرة على وضع قائمة باسمائهم اجمع و بالصورة ايضا في كل انحاء العالم العربي والاسلامي ....هؤلاء المجرمين الذين ادمنوا ذبح خيرة شباب الامة ومطاردتهم والتنكيل بهم وبعائلاتهم واصحابهم ورفاقهم ....

هؤلاء المجرمون الانذال الرغاليون الذين ينتمون لحثالة الحثالة وموطن العهر والنجاسة في زواريب الامة الطاهرة وقد انتهت اوراقهم واو تكاد وانتهى مفعول تعاقداتهم الرسمية مع وكالة الاستخبارات الامريكية ومنافساتها الاخريات في عواصم المسلمين .

هؤلاء النتن الذي ينبغي علينا جميعا اقتلاعه قلعا ووضعه في المكان الذي يحتوى خيرة واطهر شباب الامة الطاهرة ومحاكمتهم من قبل هؤلاء المستضعفين اليوم انفسهم في هذه الامكنة التي وظفتهم وكالات الاستخبارات لقمع الوعي في الامة وملاحقة الرجال الرجال !

هؤلاء النت اللعين الخبيث الذي لاينتمي مطلقا لامة اكرمها الحق تعالى وجعلها فوق سبع سماوات " خير امة اخرجت للناس " ينبغي ان نقوم جميعا بمحاصرتهم في قصور العهر والخيانة ونلاحقهم في شوارع هذه الامة التي ينتقلون بها ونقبض عليهم قبيل ان ينفذوا هاربين بمليارات الدولارات التي نهبوها الى مواطن اسيادهم السابقين واللاحقين

هؤلاء الخدم الاجرامي ونخص هنا الشق العسكري والامني منهم وان كنا لانخفي متابعتنا للشق السياسي الذي ابدعته وكالات الاستخبارات هذه لكن اوراق هؤلاء مكشوفة وعارية ومعروفة وخطرهم ايسر من ان نضعهم على القائمة الحمراء (دعاة الديمقراطية واعضاء ودعاة منظمات وجمعيات المجتمع المدني ) فحساب هؤلاء يكون بعد قيام الدولة لاقبلها وسيكون منكرا وعسيرا ان شاء الله تعالى ...

هذا الملف وضع ليكون في خدمة شباب الامة اجمع وليكون لبنة اولى في عمليات هدم الاجرام الداخلي (الامني والعسكري ) للقوات الصليبية التي تتمركز في شتى بقاع هذه الامة سرا وعلانية ويجهد الخدم الخونة من نواطير هذه الامة في اخفاء هذه الصفحات التي تفوخ غدراوخيانة وعهرا عن اعين الامة وشبابها....

ولنعي معها واجباتنا جميعا ومسؤوليتناالتاريخية .... العملية والضرورية في تطويقها والقضاء عليها وعلى خطرها وعلى مبررات وجودها و نتعاون جميعا في وضع المقترحات والخطط الكفيلة والاساليب الامثل في العمل على اقتلاعها من جذورها الواجب علينا جميعا الان ولاحقا وعن بعض التطبيقات العملية الاخرى التي ينبغي التحضير لها مثلا فيما لو حصل (باذن الله اخوة لكم ) الان انقلاب ما في احد هذه الاقطار على بعض هذه الانظمة الخائنة وكيفية مساعدة المسلمين في هذا القطر مثلا وحمايتهم وتقديم المساندة لهم التي هم باحوج ما يكونون لها في مثل هذه الاوقات العصيبة وبكل الطرق المتوفرة الان بايد الناس .

هذه دعوة للكرام من شباب هذه الامة الطاهرة ....

_ نجمع ونصنف ونرتب ونعلن : معا عن اهم القواعد هذه التي يعرفها الجميع الا المسلمين !!!! في كل بقاع الامة ونسجل كل معلوماتنا عن ما تحويه هذه القواعد من قوات وكيفيية القضاء عليها بشكل صحيح والاسلوب الامثل والاسرع لذلك (سياسيا وعسكريا ) .

_ دعوة مفتوحة ايضا للجميع ممن يهمه شان هذه الامة الخيرة ومكانتها ودورها في العالم ... ان يشاركنا بفعالية بما لديه من معلومات ومهما كان المصدر وباي شكل كانت سواء معلومات صحفية او دراسات او كتب او حتى مجرد خرائط وصور وما الى ذلك من معلومات تفيد في جوهر الموضوع ....


ومن الطبيعي ان يكون [ للواقع العسكري ] لعصابات بني صهيون اليوم فوق الارض المباركة جزءا كبيرا وخاصا من بحثنا هذا وبالتفصيلات الفنية والعسكرية ايضا ...لانهم القاعدة الاقدم للصليبية في المنطقة و كان ايجادها وخلقها على الارض في هذه البقعة المباركة ... غدرا احد الاهداف الرئيسية للحملة الصليبية العاشرة (حملة اللنبي ) على بلاد المسلمين .أوائل القرن العشرين

ونقوم في الختام بوضع صورة واضحة و خارطة عملية لتموضع وتمركز وتواجد القواعد الامريكية ثم البريطانية ومن ثم الفرنسية ثم الالمانية والروسية والصينية والكنديةوالاسترالية وغيرهم من القوى العسكرية التي تعمل [ سرا او علنا ] في شتى بقاع العالم الاسلامي .

لتكون في يد من [ يهمه الامر ] من المسلمين ان شاء الله . للعمل على هدمها من جذورها وهدم من وافق على قبولها وهدم كل هذه الانظمة الاجرامية العميلة التي تحتمي بها في واقع الامر .واقتلاعهم من جذورهم معا بان الله تعالى .واعلان راية العقاب في مكانها راية للامة وخليفة الامة القادم قريبا باذن الله .



مقر القيادة المركزية الامريكية للمنطقة الوسطى USCENTCOM في جزيرة قطر على بعد 30 كم جنوب غرب العاصمة /الدوحة وبالقرب منها الميناء البحري العسكري الامريكي ( ام سعيد ) ايضا المعد لاستقبال الغواصات النووية وحاملات الطائرات .


قاعدة العدّيد الجوية/ Al Udeid Air Base


مواقع انتشار القوات الامريكية في العالم بين عامي 2001 - 2003


يتبع ان شاء الله :

صادر عن :

( حركة المستضعفين في الارض)

رابط هذا التعليق

نسأل الله أن يفيد الاسلام و المجاهدين مما تنشر

ونسأل العلى القدير أن يجعل نصر المجاهدين آية لغضبه على اليهود والكفرة الامريكيين والعرب المتخاذلين الصامتين أخوان الشيطان الاخرس ..

الاسلام أعزنا , اللهم دام عزك لنا كما وعدتنا

رابط هذا التعليق

كنا قد بدأناهذا الموضوع في مكان اخر بملف القواعد العسكرية الصليبية الان في العراق وفصلناه حرفيا وبدقة وبما توفر لدينا من المعلومات عنها .... نظرا لكونها اول ما ينبغي على المجاهدين المخلصين قصفه ودماره ... نضيفها هنا مرتبة بعد الانتهاء من ملف القواعد الصهيونية في فلسطين ان شاء الله نظرا لضراوة المعركة المصيرية الان والتي ينبغي ان تصب جهود الامة كلها وراءها لانها المعركة الحقيقية في اذلال بني صهيون ومن صنعهم وكسر شوكتهم والانقضاض عليهم وعلى خدمهم الخونة في المحيط من نواطير الامة المجرمين والذين ينبغي الان قبل غد اقتلاعهم من جذورهم وحرقهم احياء وأولهم هذه الاسرة الصهيونية المجرمة ( ال عقود ) وتمزيقها في شوارع الجزيرة اجمع مع بقية العائلات الخيانية النجسة الاخرى في محميات ابو زيد اجمع في خليج " النفط والغدر " اللعين " ال سلول وال الصباح وال المساء وال راشد وجاهل وثاني وثالث وحمد وحمود وغيرهم من القرود سود الله وجوههم في الدنيا والاخرة وجعل قطع رقابهم على ايدي شباب الامة قريبا باذنه جلا وعلا... ثم المجرمين المحيطين بجواربني صهيون عبد الانجليز اللعين وبشار ونظامه الاجرامي النصيري الامني الخائن والذي كان في خدمة بني صهيون 40 عاما ولا يزال وكذلك نظام الخائن المجرم حسني واليهودي ابو منيار وسواهم من النواطير المجرمين اجمع 57 مجرما خائنا لعينا مزقوا الامة وغدروا بها وفرقوها وما يزالون حتى الساعة ....خدمة لاولياء امورهم الصليبيين واليهود .... بمن فيهم خامنئي نفسه .


القواعد العسكرية الصهيونية في فلسطين

أ_ القوة الجوية و القواعد والمطارات


Air Force


General view of the military side of Sde Dov,

with the power station in the background.

Air Bases:

This is a survey of the air bases which have been used by the IDF/AF during it's history. All information presented here has been obtained from open sources, such as Jeppesen charts etc. Thanks to Holger Sens and Zvi Kreisler for their assistance in compiling this feature.

Some translations of Hebrew terms:

Bacha = Air Force Base, AFB

Canaf (Kanaf) = Wing

Shachar = Emergency Field


(Shachar 20). Located north west of Lake Kinneret (Lake of Tiberias). Light aircraft/helicopter wartime forward operating base.

Beer-Sheba (Commonly called "Sde Teyman")

ICAO code: LLBS. Location coordinates: N31 17.3 E034 43.4, elevation: 656 ft (200 m). One runway 14/32 degrees of 3412 ft (1040 m) length. Located west of Beer Sheba. Opened when? Civil airport, not currently used by the IDF/AF. Up until 1966 was the main liaison airfield for the Southern Command HQ nearby.

Beit El

(Shachar 31). Landing ground regularly used by helicopters transporting personnel to work at the nearby Baal Hatzor (Mount Hazor). The top of this 2920 feet high feature houses several important EW installations.

Bet'zet (Bezet)

(Shachar 33). Opened 1942. Located north east of Nahariya. Formerly known as El Bassa. Light aircraft/helicopter wartime forward operating base. Nominated as a Forward Area Refuelling Point (FARP) for the western sector to Lebanon. Two Syrian MiG-17s once landed here by mistake.


(Shachar 11). Located very near to the Lebanese border. Currently home to permanent AH-1 detachment to patrol the security zone on southern Lebanon.


(Shachar 23). Located in the northern part of Israel, some 15 km from the Lebanese border. Home to permanent RPV detachment and dispersed operating base for light aircraft/helicopters. Helicopter crews commonly land at border settlements to refresh, save fuel or win time in case of an alert.

Dorot Airfield

Located east of Sederot. Unpaved airstrip only used for a short while 1948, and occasionally for agricultural aircraft.

Eilat Airport ("J. Holtzman")

ICAO code: LLET. Location coordinates: N29 33.6 E034 57.6, elevation: 42 ft (13 m). Consists of a single runway 026/206 degrees of 6234 ft (1900 m) length. Aircraft parking area is to the left of 026. Civil airport, not currently used by the IDF/AF. Opened in 1950. Located at the very southern tip of Israel.

Ein Shemer Airfield

Opened in 1942 and used by the RAF as a base for Lancasters and B-24 Liberators. Located east of Hadera, close to the Lebanon border. Currently home to a gliding club and a detachment from Unit 505.

Ein-Ya'hav Airfield

Small airfield in the centre of the Arava (Prairie), over 100 km north of Eilat. Used for civil and military (liaison) flights.

Eitam Airbase

Former home to Canaf 25. Location coordinates: N31 04 E034 06, elevation: 328 ft (100 m). Consists of a single runway 08/26 degrees of 7986 ft (2454 m) length. Built from scratch by Israel in 1977 after the withdrawal from Suez area. Located southeast of El Arish, in north west Sinai, (outside of the current Israeli border). Closed in 1981 under the Camp David Agreement and handed over to Egypt. Renamed El Gora by Egypt and used to house the UN MFO HQ in Sinai. Replaced by Ramon.

Etzion Airbase

Former home to Canaf 10. Formerly Ras El-Nakab airfield of the Egyptian Air Force, taken over by IDF/AF in 1973 and considerably upgraded into a fully operational airbase. Located in eastern Sinai, close to the town of Elat, (outside of the current Israeli border). Location coordinates: N29 36 E034 44, elevation: 2470 ft (753 m). Consists of one runway 04/22 degrees of 7986 ft (2434 m) length, with parallel taxi-way. After 1978 peace treaty with Egypt, also used by civilian charter aircraft up to jumbo-jet size. Starting point for Osirak nuclear reactor raid in Iraq. Returned to Egypt in 1981 and renamed "Taba International".


(Shachar 16). Located at the eastern part of Kir-yat Shmona town, a few km from the Lebanese border. Home to a permanent helicopter detachment to patrol the security zone in southern Lebanon, but also functions as a civil airfield for non-scheduled internal flights.

Haifa Airport ("U. Micheali")

(Bacha 21). Former Ottoman Turkish airfield in WW1, then rebuilt in 1934 as civil flying field. RAF base in WW2, to IDF/AF in May 1948. Located at Kishon Harbour, north of Haifa, on the coast of North East Israel. ICAO Code: LLHA. Location coordinates: N32 48.6 E035 02.6, elevation 28 ft (9m). One runway 16/34 degrees of 4183 ft (1275 m) length. The home of the IDF/AF Technical School. Hosts a permanent AB212 detachment and has a wartime role as an emergency airfield. The Haifa Bay area houses several military installations.


(Shachar 32). Located south of the Dead Sea, near the border with Jordan. Also known as Ein Kahatseva. Light aircraft/helicopter wartime forward operating base. Note spelling is NOT Hatzeba.

Hatzerim Airbase

Modern air base built by the IDF/AF in the 1960s. Used from 1966, when only partially completed. Located in southern Israel west of Beersheba. ICAO code: LLHB. Location coordinates: N31 15 E034 40, elevation 722 ft (220 m). Four runways: 10/28 degrees of 9022 ft (2750 m) length, 11/29 degrees of 8005 ft (2440 m) length, 15/33 degrees of 6004 ft (1830 m) length and 09/27 degrees of 6004 ft (1830 m) length. Currently home to 69, 102, 107, 123, 130, 141, 142, 155, 162, 247 and 252 squadrons. Was the base of the 192 sqn E-2C Hawkeyes before it disbanded. Home of the Flight School since April 1966 and the IDF/AF Museum. Operational units use the southern runways (Canaf 6 or Bacha 6), and the Flight School units use the north west runways (Bist 12).

Hatzor Airbase

(Canaf 4). Completed in 1945 as RAF Qastina (arab name Kastina), to the IDF/AF on 9 November 1948. Located near the lower west coast of Israel, east-south-east of Ashdod. ICAO code: LLHS. Location coordinates: N31 46 E034 44, elevation: 121 ft (37 m). Two runways 05/23 degrees of 7986 ft (2434 m) length and 16/34 degrees of the same length. Currently home to 101, 105, 144 and 149 squadrons.

Herzlia (Herzliya)

Located in western Israel, north of Tel Aviv. Used by 101 sqn as a temporary base June 1948 - October 1948. Now a general aviation airfield catering for the majority of civil flight schools and the home base for several air-taxi operators. ICAO code: LLHZ. Location coordinates: N32 10.8 E034 50.1, elevation: 121 ft (37 m). One runway: 11/29 degrees of 3291 ft (1003 m) length. Also known as Kfar Shemaryahu.

Kfar Sirkin

Built as RAF Petah Tiqva (Petach Tiqwa). Completed in 1941 and used by the RAF until May 1948. Used by the IDF/AF for part of the Flight School 1949-1955, with most aircraft based at Tel Nof. Now serves as the HQ for the IDF/AF air defence branch. Located east of Tel Aviv, very near to Petach-Tikva town. Location coordinates: N32 04 E034 56, elevation: 164 ft (50 m). Two runways: 14/32 degrees of 4003 ft (1220 m) length and 10/28 degrees of the same length. The field was hit by an Iraqi Tu-16 during the Six Day War, destroying at least one aircraft.

Formerly El-Faluja, situated west of Qiryat Gat. Also known as Beit-Daras. Former active RAF base and destination for the early 1948 supply flights from abroad. Location coordinates: N31 38 E034 45, elevation: 328 ft (100 m). One runway 09/27 of 3002 ft (915 m). One-time minor civil airfield, but no sign of it remains today.

Lod Airbase

(Canaf 27). This base comprises the military portion of Lod/Tel Aviv Airport ("Ben Gurion International"). Built in 1936 as Lydda Airport. Used by Imperial Airways as a stop-over base. Lydda was an Arab town until captured by the IDF on 11 July 1948. Name then changed to Lod International Airport. Renamed Ben Gurion International Airport in 1974, following the death of the first Prime Minster of Israel. Located at Lod in central Israel, several kilometres east of Tel Aviv. ICAO Code: LLBG for civil portion, LLAD for military portion. Location coordinates: N32 00.6 E034 52.6, elevation 135 ft (41 m). Consists of three runways forming an inverted triangle: 077/257 degrees of 11,998 ft (3657 m) length, 119/299 degrees of 10,210 ft (3112 m) length and 027/207 degrees of 5840 ft (1780 m) length. The military area is parallel to the shortest runway, while the civil area is located at the bottom corner. Currently home to 103, 120, 122, 126, 131, 134 and 195 Squadrons.


(Shachar 14). Light aircraft/helicopter wartime forward operating base. Note: correct spelling is NOT Madochot.

Mahanayim (Ma'Hanaim)

(Shachar 24). Former RAF landing ground, later Galilee Squadron base for a short while in 1948. Also known as Machanaim and "Ben Yaakov Airport". Located in north east Israel, east of Rosh Pina, about 25 km north of the Sea of Tiberias, (Lake Kineret). Currently a civil airfield and light aircraft/helicopter wartime forward operating base. Nominated as a Forward Area Refuelling Point (FARP) for the eastern sector to Lebanon. Main air connection to Northern Command HQ at Rosh Pina.


Designated Shachar 7 by the IDF/AF. ICAO code: LLMG. Location coordinates: N32 35.0 E035 14.0, elevation 200 ft (61 m). One runway 09/27 degrees of 7710 ft (2350 m) length. Opened in 1942. Served as an auxiliary field to Ramat David. Currently home to a gliding club, a detachment from Unit 505 and some agricultural aircraft used in the Izre-el valley. Light aircraft/helicopter wartime foward operating base. During the Six Day War, a Tu-16 was shot down by a local AA battery and crashed directly on the field. The defecting Syrian MiG-23 landed here.

Metzada (Masada)

Small airfield on the Dead Sea shore, at the foot of the Masada fortress. Used for tourist flights and is potentially an emergency field.


Located east of Netanya, next to the Ma-a-borot CMU. Also known as Kfar Hayim. Used in August 1948 as a temporary base for 101 sqn, while Herzliya's landing strip was being refurbished. Today used by agricultural aircraft.

Nevatim Airbase

(Canaf 28). Originally built as a rough strip for the Sherut Avir in 1947. Formerly known as Malhata. New airbase planned and built by Israel with US funding, opened October 1983. Located south east of Beersheba. ICAO code: LLNV. Location coordinates: N31 12 E035 00, elevation: 1312 ft (400 m). Two runways: 08/26 degrees of 10007 ft (3050 m) length and 08/26 degrees of 8005 ft (2440 m) length. Currently home to 104, 115, 116, 132 and 251 squadrons.

Ofira Airbase

Formerly Egyptian AF base of Sharm El Sheik/Ras Nasrani, in the Sinai, (outside of the current Israeli border). Taken over by the IDF/AF in 1967. Returned to Egypt in 1981. Location coodinates: N27 59 E034 24, elevation: 163 ft (50 m). One runway 03/21 degrees of 7986 ft (2434 m) length. Currently houses the US contingent of the UN MFO and also operates as a civil airport for the tourist resorts. Garbled version of name in some western publications: Orphira.

Ouvda (Uvda) Airbase

(Canaf 10). New airbase built for the IDF/AF by the USA, opened 1981. Replacement for Etzion AB. Located north west of Eilat, in the southern Negev region, near the Jordanian border. ICAO code: LLOV. Location coordinates: N29 56.2 E034 56.5, elevation: 1492 ft (455 m). Consists of two parallel runways (both 020/200 degrees) of lengths 8530 ft (2600 m) and 9843 ft (3000 m) respectively. Civil operations ceased when Akaba International in Jordan began to serve Elat. The civil apron was at the far end of the shorter runway, while the miltary area was alongside the longer runway. Currently home to 137, 143, 145 and 202 squadrons.

Palmachim Airbase

(Canaf 30). Newly built by the IDF/AF in the 1970s, originally as a military test site for Israeli designed missiles and also later used as a helicopter base. The misiles were fired towards the sea. Situated north north-east of Ashdod. Location coordinates: N31 55 E034 44, elevation: 98 ft (30 m). One runway: 03/21 degrees of 6562 ft (2000 m) length. Currently home to 124, 151, 160, 161, 193, 194 and 200 squadrons.

Ramat David Airbase

(Canaf 1). Completed in 1942 as RAF Ramat David, to the IDF/AF on 26 May 1948. Located in the centre of northern Israel, south east of Haifa, near the border with the occupied West Bank. ICAO code: LLRD. Location coordinates: N32 40 E035 11, elevation: 138 ft (42 m). Three runways: 145/325 degrees of 8005 ft (2440 m) length, 105/285 degrees of 9022 ft (2750 m) length and 085/265 degrees of 9022 ft (2750 m) length. Currently home to 109, 110, 117 and 190 squadrons.


Former Ottoman Turkish airfield, heavily used during 1917. From 1930 main RAF base in Palestine. To the IDF/AF in May 1948, and at one time the home of the IDF/AF HQ. Situated south east of Ramleh. Now overbuilt by housing, and no sign of it exits today.

Ramon Airbase

(Canaf 25). Formerly known as Matred. Located south west of Beer Sheba, in the central Negev region in southern Israel. ICAO code: LLRM. Location coordinates: N30 50 E034 40, elevation 2133 ft (650 m). Constructed by the USA and opened in 1981. Three runways, all 07/25 degrees of 10007 ft (3050 m) length. Currently home to 113, 127, 140, 146, 147, and 253 squadrons.

Ramon Airfield

Unrelated to the above airbase, Ramon Airfield is an airstrip located several kms north of Mizpe Ramon, which is further south. It is mainly used for the transportation of IDF personnel to bases in the area, and is occaisionally served by Arkia.

Refidim Airbase

Formerly Egyptian AF base of Bir Gifgafa or Meliz-Bir Gafgafa, (outside of the current Israeli border). Taken over by IDF/AF in 1967. Played a key role in the War of Attrition, when pairs of fighters were on immediate alert for intercept. Abandoned in 1978. Location coordinates: N30 23 E033 07, elevation: 1148 ft (350 m). One runway ?/? degrees of 7986 ft (2434 m) length.


(Shachar 13). Located in the Beit She-an valley, about 30 kilometres south of Lake Tiberias and several kilometres south of the town of Beith She-an. Light aircraft/helicopter wartime forward operating base.

Ruchama Airfield

Located in the southern part of the Negev, near Dorot. Rough airstrip only used for a short while 1948.

Sde Dov ("Dov Hoz Municipal Airport")

(Canaf 15). Established in September 1938 as a civil airport for Tel Aviv, and used until the summer of 1940, when it closed for WW2. Reopened in December 1947 for civil (actually Sherut Avir) use. Located close to the northern outskirts of Tel Aviv on the west coast. ICAO code: LLSD. Location coordinates: N32 07.0 E034 46.9, elevation: 43 ft (13 m). Consists of an L-shape, with the single runway (027/207 degrees) of 5712 ft (1741 m) length forming the vertical stroke, and the military and civil aprons forming the base of the L. The military section is called 'Tel Aviv Airbase' and was home to only one sqn of Piper Cubs until 1963, when two or three more sqns moved in from Ramleh. Currently home to 100, 125, 128, 135 and 191 Squadrons. Named for Mr. Dov Hoz, manager of Aviron and an important member of Haganah, who was killed in a motor accident.

Sde Khemed

Sde Khemed is an educational institute south east of Tel Aviv at number 1 highway to Jerusalem. Surplus aircraft are often seen there. Currently home to a detachment of PA-18 Super Cubs from the Flight School.

Sdot Micha

(Canaf 2). Jericho IRBM base. Located east of Ashkelon and south east of Tel Nof AB, south of the Nahal (River) Sorek, between Kiriat-Gat and Beit-Shemesh. Curently home to 150, 199 and 248 squadrons. Garbled version of name in some western publications: Sedof Mikha. Sedof has no meaning in Hebrew.


Located in eastern Israel near the Southern tip of the Dead Sea. Today only used by civilian traffic


(Shachar 19). Located in the centre of the Negev, south of Ramon. Principally a test field for military industries and the IDF/AF. Light aircraft/helicopter wartime forward operating base.

Tel Nof Airbase

(Canaf 8). Completed in 1941 as RAF Aqir (arab name Akir), to the IDF/AF in May 1948. Major RAF base during WW2. Located East of

Ashdod, on the East coast. Also known as Ekron. ICAO code: LLEK. Location coordinates: N31 50 E034 50, elevation: 295 ft (90 m). Three runways: 15/33 degrees of 9022 ft (2750 m) length, 00/18 degrees of 9022 ft (2750 m) length and 09/27 degrees of 6004 ft (1830 m) length. Home base for 106, 114, 118, 119, 133, 148, 201, 505, the Flight Test Center and unit 669. Used by the Flight School up until April 1966. Key base for IDF/AF nuclear weapons, and also operational and training centre for all IDF paratroopers. Today more a military town than just and airbase. Note: correct spelling is NOT Tel Nov.

Yavne'el Airfield

Located west of Tiberias. Opened in 1948. Unpaved airfield used by agricultural aircraft from time to time



للتفصيل في حجم القوة الجوية الصهيونية :



عدد الطائرات الحربية بمختلف انواعها ومصدرها (امريكا / بريطانية ..) التي يملكها الان اخوان القردة الخاسئين ...


عمليات جوية صهيونية قام بها اخوان الغدر المغضوب عليهم


تم تعديل بواسطة abunaeem
رابط هذا التعليق

اسلحة الدمار الشامل الصهيونية : ( WMD ) Weapons of Mass Destruction

1_ مراكز انتاج الاسلحة الخاصة : Special Weapons Facilities

بيير يعقوب

Be'er Yaakov

31°56'N 34°39'E

MLM Division, a leading weapons and C3I systems house, is the systems integration house of Israel Aircraft Industries. As a multi-faceted design, development and systems engineering organization, MLM's cutting edge technologies have spearheaded the development of the Arrow Anti-Tactical Ballistic missile Weapon System and the Shavit LEO Satellite Launcher. Israel's main missile assembly facility is located near the town of Be'er Yaakov. the Jericho and Arrow missiles and the Shavit launch vehicle are assembled in a single long building. The Jericho and derivative Shavit are assembled in one area, the Arrow in another.

صورة للموقع الذي ينتج الان انظمة الدفاع الصاروخي : صواريخ Arrow ارو اخذت جوا عام1970

2- مركز Dimona ديمونا للبحوث وانتاج الاسلحة النووية

Negev Nuclear Research Center

Kirya le-Mechkar Garinii (KAMAG)

The Dimona heavy water reactor and an installation for processing irradiated fuel are used to produce weapons-grade nuclear material. Approximately 2,700 scientists, technicians, administrative staff, and other workers are employed at Dimona. Since the facility was constructed in the late 1950's the surrounding land has been altered to sustain groves of palms and gardens positioned to obscure the facility from the road and air.

Begining around 1958 with French assistance, Israel constructed a natural uranium, heavy-water, research reactor at Dimona in the Negev Desert, about 8.5 miles from the town of the same name and some 25 miles from the Jordanian border. The Dimona facility was constructed in secret and is not under international inspection safeguards. The facility was first noticed by American intelligence when U-2 spyplanes overflew Dimona in 1958. It was not conclusively identified as a nuclear site until two years later. This reactor, nominally rated at 26 megawatts thermal, was put on line in early 1964. However according to Pierre Pean, French officials were surprised to discover that the cooling circuits designed to support three times the nominal power level, which permitted a scale-up to 70MWt without the addition of extra cooling circuits. If true, the power level of the reactor was reportedly 70MWt from the outset. Perhaps the power level has been increased to 150MWt some time after 1976, according to Barnaby.

An installation for processing irradiated fuel was completed with French assistance in the mid-1960s. Between 15 and 40-60 kilograms of fissionable plutonium can be processed annually. This facility probably has the capacity to produce plutonium for five to ten nuclear warheads a year.

In 1986, descriptions and photographs provided by the Israeli nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu were published in the London Sunday Times of the Dimona facility. This information supported the conclusion that Israel had a stockpile of 100 to 200 nuclear devices, a significantly larger nuclear capability than previously estimated.

Dimona consists of nine of these blocks called machons (in Hebrew facility or institute).

Machon 1 - The large silver-domed reactor containment vessel, nearly 20 meters [about 60 feet] in diameter, is visible from a nearby highway. Uranium fuel rods remain in the reactor for a few months before being discharged for reprocessing. The heavy water used as a moderator is cooled by ordinary water through a heat exchanger, which reportedly results in steam sometimes visible from the outside. Reports of annual production of as much as 60-kg of plutonium suggest that the reactor power level has been upgraded to 120-150 megawatts, much higher than the original power of 26 megawatts. Tritium can be produced by irradiating lithium-6 targets in the reactor. The reactor is four decades old, and may be reaching the end of its practical lifetime.

Machon 2 - Of the 2,700 employees at Dimona, it is said that only 150 are permitted access to Machon 2, which reportedly extends six floors underground. The chemical reprocessing plant removes plutonium produced in the reactor from the spent uranium rods. Before reprocessing begins, the rods are stored in water filled tanks for several weeks while the short-halflife radio-isotopes decay. The residual uranium is reprocessed to be used in new fuel rods. The facility also separates lithium-6 from natural lithium for use in thermonuclear weapons. According to Vanunu, the average weekly production is 1.2 kilograms of pure plutonium, enough for 4-12 nuclear weapons per year.

Machon 3 - The facility includes processing of natural uranium for the reactor, and conversion of lithium 6 into a solid for use in thermo-nuclear warheads.

Machon 4 - This facility is dedicated to the treatment of radioactive waste products. It includes a waste treatment plant and high-level waste storage. Low-level waste is mixed with tar, taken out in cans and buried nearby.

Machon 5 - Uranium from Machon 3 is made into rods coated in aluminum to be sent to the reactor.

Machon 6 - Supply of services to other Machons, including electricity, steam and specialized chemicals (nitrogen etc). It also hosts emergency electrical generators.

Machon 7 - Unknown - may no longer exist.

Machon 8 - Large laboratory for testing purity of samples from Machon 2, experiments on new processes. A secret unit (Unit 840) has been making enriched uranium since 1979-80 on a production scale. This may consist of a gas centifuge faclity for the production of enriched uranium.

Machon 9 - A laser isotope separation facility can be used to enrich uranium and to increase the proportion of isotope plutonium-239 in plutonium.

Machon 10 - Depleted uranium made into tips of shells for Israeli use and for export to Switzerland.

Israel may have developed a nuclear weapons capability incorporating enriched uranium. Up to 100 kilograms of enriched uranium missing from a facility at Apollo, Pennsylvania, are believed to have been taken to Israel, although other reports suggest that much of the material was recovered from the floors and ventilation ducts of the plant when it was decommissioned. In 1968, 200 tons of uranium ore disappeared from a ship in the Mediterranean Sea and probably diverted to Israel.

Plutonium production reactors which are both cooled and moderated by heavy water [like the Israeli reactor at Dimona] require about 0.75 tons of heavy water per thermal megawatt, and lose about 0.5 % of this heavy water each year.

"Dimona needed about 18t of heavy water to start operation.... France very likely agreed to supply Dimona's heavy water along with the reactor.... From 1959 to 1963 Israel imported 20t from Norway and 3.9t from the United States. This would supply Dimona indefinitely if the reactor stayed at its rated power of 24 megawatts.... For the reactor to produce the 40 kilograms of plutonium per year described by Vanunu, it would have had to be scaled up to more than 100 megawatts.... If the amount of coolant were quadrupled, which could allow quadrupled power, Dimona would need about 36t of heavy water — 12t of moderator and 24t of coolant. The 36t is slightly less than the total that Israel could have received from Norway, the United States, and France." HEAVY WATER CHEATERS by Gary Milhollin Foreign Policy Winter 1987-1988, p. 100-119.

خرائط وصور جوية للموقع النووي الصهيوني المعروف والذي قامت فرنسا بانشاءه ثم توالت كل الدول الصليبية برعايته وامداده بالوقود النووي والتقنية النووية والحماية السياسية ومنع التفتيش الى الحد الذي اصبحت فيه دويلة اليكان المسخ الصهيونية هذه الدولة النووية السادسة في العالم سرا وعلانية وتملك الان ما يقدره الخبراء بحوالي 400 قنبلة نووية ....




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